Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tweeting Effectively

Twitter is based on a person tweeting about what they are doing. A persons twitter page is only successful if their tweets are good.What makes twitter so popular to people? What determines if a twitter page is good or interesting? What are you favorite twitter pages and why? If you have a twitter page, what do you tweet about that you know people will be interested in? If you don't have a twitter page, what would you tweet about?


  1. I think something that makestwitter so poplular is that you can actually follow real celebrities and what they are doing. I'm not 100 percent sure its actually that person but I do think it is. You can just tell by what they are tweeting. So I definitely think celebrities have a big take on people joining twitter. To me, I don't think twitter is that popular. You can't really do much with it besides stalk other people and tweet what your doing. There's no comment people or talking to them via twitter. Something that pulls me in is the name of the person when you are searching in the categories. You're obviously only going to follow someone or something that you are familar with. SO it definitely depends on how popular that person or thing is before twitter. When I am on twitter, I basically tweet about what I have done or am going to do for the day. Something funny and no so serious so people would follow me.

  2. I feel that people use twitter to tell others what they are doing. I think the easiest thing about twitter is that people can access it from their cell phones, which allows people to re-tweet very quickly. I think a twitter page will have many followers if the person is famous and is well liked. Personally, I personally despise twitter and find it an obnoxious site however, that is simply my opinion. I’ve tried twitter before and hadn’t really liked it. If I continued to have a twitter account and continued tweeting I would most likely tweet about track or some new updates on my life.

  3. Fascinating fact: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/this_is_what_a_tweet_looks_like.php

  4. I think what people really like about twitter is that you can follow real celebrities. You can find out what they're doing whenever they update, and they don't really know that you are following them. As far as what makes a twitter page so interesting I think depends on the person who is reading it. For example, if you really like Lady Gaga and you want to follow her and see what she's doing, when she's recording and whatever, then that could be interesting to you, but maybe not to someone else. I have a twitter page but I never tweet anything. I haven't used it in months. If I really cared to tell someone what I was doing then I would tell only the people I want to know, not the whole world.

  5. I believe that Twitter is used to get a quick message across, and nothing more. It's meant to be simple, and that's that.

    I think it can connect you with other people, celebrities, news sources, and friends, and if it appeals to you, then you can follow them if you'd like to constantly get their updates. Obviously if you like them, then that's enough to grab your interest and keep you following until said date.

    I love Twitter and I use it mostly to document certain moments, or to remember something I've heard. I do follow a few friends, some celebrities, and news sources because it's easier for me to get my news that way. I like that you can determine who gets to see what you write and whatnot, and it's a little more private than Facebook.

  6. How to tweet effectively? I feel like twitter is never effective. I guess twitter is kind of like a stalker feed. You see what people are doing all the time. A person who wants to tweet effectively may post just important things that happen in there day. Maybe only a post every few days. I personally do not have a twitter. I think that twitter is weird. You barely get any information about the person but you get a little status. If I had a twitter page I would most likely tweet about school or something.

  7. I think that Twitter is popular to people because people love to connect with others that they know. With twitter, you can know someone on a much deeper level, than one would normally. Also many people like to follow celebrities, and if they follow them on twitter they can get the feeling that the celebraties are just like everyone else, and do normal things. A good twitter page is someone who actually twitters, I am sure there are plenty of pages where people just stopped twittering. Also some people tweet too personal of things. I dont need to know peoples bowel movements and such. I dont tweet, but I would probably tweet about issues I believe in. So I would post articles about women equality, health care, legalization of marijuana, among other issues.

  8. I think its relative simplicity and ease of access are what makes twitter so popular. Personally, I do not tweet or follow anyone on twitter. Looking at twitter for this class, I find the most agreeably twitter pages are those that have actual tweets and not just links and messages to followers that I do not know. Call me old fashion, I like facebook.

  9. Twitter is so popular to some people because you can follow celebrities and famous figures on Twitter. I think what would determine if a tweet is good is maybe who it is that is tweeting and if the tweet relates to a current issue. A lot of my coworkers update their statuses on Facebook and I'm more likely to check that out rather than another status. I don't have a twitter account but if I did I think I would just tweet about my day similar to my Facebook statuses. I don't update my status that often on Facebook but when I do it's about something that I'm excited about or a favorite lyric relating to my mood that day. I'm a big fan of Dave Mtthews Band so I often put lyrics up on my Facebook statuses. This would be a big thing for me to "tweet" about, too.
